2017-05-25 15:17:30, 조회 : 3,874, 추천 : 312 |
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:07:30 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:49:34 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:49:34 ISOSpeedRatings: 50 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/560(0.00178571428571) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 913/100(9.13) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 7.38 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:06:46 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:49:46 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:49:46 ISOSpeedRatings: 50 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/465(0.00215053763441) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 886/100(8.86) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 7.12 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:05:52 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:50:20 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:50:20 ISOSpeedRatings: 50 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/507(0.00197238658777) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 898/100(8.98) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 7.23 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:04:56 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:50:54 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:50:54 ISOSpeedRatings: 64 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/30(0.0333333333333) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 490/100(4.9) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 2.67 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:04:21 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:50:58 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:50:58 ISOSpeedRatings: 80 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/30(0.0333333333333) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 490/100(4.9) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 2.52 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:03:41 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:51:16 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:51:16 ISOSpeedRatings: 50 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/40(0.025) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 532/100(5.32) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 3.36 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:03:05 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:51:26 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:51:26 ISOSpeedRatings: 160 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/30(0.0333333333333) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 490/100(4.9) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: 1.42 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Camera: SAMSUNG SM-N900K DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:01:55 DateTimeOriginal: 2016:03:29 08:51:50 DateTimeDigitized: 2016:03:29 08:51:50 ISOSpeedRatings: 320 ApertureFNumber: 220/100(f/2.2) ExposureTime: 1/15(0.0666666666667) seconds ExposureProgram: Normal program ExifVersion: 2.2 ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr ShutterSpeedValue: 390/100(3.9) ApertureValue: 227/100(2.27) BrightnessValue: -0.34 ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV MaxApertureValue: f/2.2 ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Center Weighted Average LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance FocalLength: 413/100(4.13) mm FlashPixVersion: 1 ColorSpace: sRGB SensingMethod: One-chip colour area sensor Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
DateTime: 2017:05:25 15:01:10 ExposureProgram: Not defined ExposureMode: Auto exposure MeteringMode: Unknown LightSource: Unknown Flash: Flash did not fire WhiteBalance: Auto white balance ColorSpace: Uncalibrated Orientation: No Rotation, No Flip YCbCrPositioning: Unknown Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
제품소개: 벽: 내장,센드위치판넬50m/m+스치로폴100m/m+석고보드+도배감, (단열150m/m)
창문, 215m/m창틀+16m/m페어격자창 이중창시공,
외장,센드위치판넬+열반사은박메트+비닐싸이딩 마감, 하단체리4줄 중간2줄 상단백색 마감,
지 붕:천정,센드위치판넬100m/m+스치로폴100m/m+석고보드+도배마감, (단열200m/m)
외부,센드위치판넬100m/m+방수 부직포+돌회색 육각씽글 마감
바 닥:합판18m/m(말레시아산BBCC급정품합판)+은박메트+전기온돌 판넬+모노륨 마감,
화장실:천 정, 스치로폼100m/m+리빙우드 마감,
벽, 수도 배관+스치로폼100m/m+합판3m/m+대리석보드마감,(수도배관에 열선를 설치하여동파을방지함,)
바닥, 18m/m합판(말레시아산bbc급정품)+몰탈방수+타일마감,
위생기, 고급투피스양변기, 세면기,겸용샤위기,수건장,600x800대형거울밎각종악세사리
씽크대: 1600mm(사진 참조)
온수기: 전기저탕용 온수기 30리터설치